Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Juliana is 5!

I know, right!  I feel the same way!
You were born 8lbs 9oz, 21inches long
We spoiled you from day one, and proud of every moment of it.
You breathed in some fluid during delivery, so had to go to the NICU for a few days.  We were so excited once we got to go home, that you were never put down.  You slept with us until you were 6mo old.  I couldn't stand to be away from you for even a moment.

You decided to be Joseph for the preschool book parade.  We were shocked, because I couldn't figure out why you wanted to be Joseph.  You said, " because I want to be Jesus' daddy."
You are an awesome big sister.  You really are a "little momma"
Notice Jules arm around Lilly.  She was trying to make her feel safe.
You still love toilet paper.  When you are sick, we just go to Sam's and buy you a case.

We love how the little things in life bring you such joy
This was kindergarten registration day.  And today was preschool graduation day.  You and I are both pretty sick, but we still went (sorry, we tried to make sure not to be near anyone).  I stayed in the very back since I still have fever.  After you said, Mommy, did you not see me crying up there.  "No, Why were you crying?"  you "I didn't know it was going to be like that."  I think you meant that you didn't realize you would be on stage with everyone watching.  You don't like to be stared at. 
You would rather be in the kitchen helping to cook and "set up for a party" than getting dirty and "sweated"
You STILL ask to sleep with us, or for one of us to sleep with you.  The answer is usually no, unless you are sick, then you will sleep with me in the big bed.  I actually like it.  It's comforting hearing you breath through the night.  We love you so much sweet girl!  Happy Birthday!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Amelia is talking
She has been saying mamma, dada, 'mon (come on), go (for here you go).  But now she says Lilly "llllilly" and Jules "Ju" and a slew of other repeats.  It's like she just decided that last night was the night and out it all came.  Of course we had to be cheesy and video it all.  She was loving being the center of all attention.  Her fav remains "ewww" when she finds that old milk cup under the bed when you give her something she doesn't like or want, such as apple juice without ice. 

This is Juliana heading home from the hospital.  It's hard to believe she will be 5 next week!
Check back Wednesday for her birthday post.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I may have to beat you with a belt

I am sad with a heavy heart right now because of something that another mother said to me at church today.

We were keeping Amelia's nursery class today, with another couple. The parents were starting to pick up and Paul was going to get Amelia's pants on (because she couldn't keep them up today) and go get the older two.

It's 12:30, an hour and 1/2 past her nap time, she is hungry and tired and starts to have a melt down.

The other mother, looks at us and says "looks like someone needs a belt."

I'm sad because I didn't slap her in the mouth: I mean have a proper come back. My job is to be a child's advocate, a protector. It is my job to show my kids love. Believe me I know my kids are on the verge of out of control some of the time...ok fine most of the time. BUT they are children! Children will miss behave, it is our job as parents to discipline and train up our children but anyone that can "spank" their child with a belt... A child that is this small, this precious makes me very sad.

Jesus does not want us to discipline out kids out of anger. We are to use love. (I don't want any comments please about yellin now guys, that is another post for another day ;)

I don't know, none of us ever wants someone criticizing out kids, or our parenting skills, but look into that beautiful innocent face and tell me how you would feel?

Just on a side note, if I ever see you "spanking" a child, especially one this small, with a belt, be prepared because this mother is coming after you and your belt.
My statement is prepared for the next encounter.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Month Wrape Up

There is no way that I can remember all that has happened over the last month! I can hardly remember what happened last week...we have been so busy. Paul is finally over his month+ long battle with the shingles. This was him on a "good" day.

Next big event, we got FREE tickets to the Disney Princesses on Ice! People laughed, but I think I was more excited than the girls were! They dressed up in their pretty dresses

and we set out on a night of big adventure!

They were so sweet holding hands, walking all around the arena. All the little girls were dressed up, I don't think they knew what to think. After we parked, and were getting out of the car, a family pulled up beside us. There was a dad getting out with his wife and daughter. Lilly looks at him so seriously and says "hey, boys aren't suppose to come to princess things!" LOL Thankfully he just laughed and said he had tried to use that line.

Mommy and her silly girls

Jules tried to play it cool...But all acts were off once Cinderella hit the ice. Note the big smile above. It was definitely a Magical night...well worth the $15 snow cones.

(A.K.A. sticky ice with no flavor)

This past week was Zoo Day at school. The kids always have a great time. Here are two of the MONKEYS playing around.

Hard to believe we are planning her 5th birthday party! (sniff...sniff)