Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall is smelling

Everyone is in such a great mood because it finally feels like fall in Arkansas!
A little sad about the game this past weekend, but we will still be sportin' our new door sign.
Lilly really loves her sister....for now.

Paul working on part of the Halloween decorations for me, thank you honey!

Lilly and Jules got my camera again!

These cute little things are wearing me out! I know they love each other. But man, they fight like cats and dogs! The screaming, tattle tailing, hitting (that's just Lilly), is leading to me screaming and yelling much to my own disappointment. I hate yelling. Its as though I'm talking to a wall! How many times did we hear our rents say that growing up!
Paul went to the Dr this week. Looks like he needs a life change! Hahaha, try to escape this life honey. I mean that in the best way possible. But, this does open my door to whole food living, which I have wanted to try for a while. It seems like it will cost a bit to get started, but once (and if) you can get the hang of it, it may be less...I hope. I read a blog, Passionate Homemaking, and she gives some great ideas and recipes. But, I do not believe I will be making my own soaps and deodorant! I keep you posted.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Amelias goes to the Dr.

Amelia had her 1 year check up yesterday. It was late because she has had the sniffles and I didn't want to cause her any further discomfort. OK, truthfully, it was because I get physically ill at the thought of my sweet innocent baby girl(s) being in pain and the fear in their eyes alone is enough to make my knees wobble. Even though "they" say that it doesn't work, One hour before the appointment I apply emal cream to her chunky little legs, wrap them in glad wrap.

She was soo cute standing the very first time for her weight and height. I brought the camera, but was too distracted.

She's 23lbs, and 29.5in tall. She loves Dr Weed, sits perfectly still while her listens and laughs when he feels her belly. Lilly held her hand so she wouldn't been "sceered". She was excited to do this after I told her about Jules doing the same for her.

When they brought in 4 large needles, 2 for her arms, I think I cussed and got dizzy. Pathetic! But, she got her shots, cried, Comforted, got a cookie, and we were on our way.

On the bright side, she has been walking all over the place! You can see the excitement all over her face with each step.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Well, I think we have won the award. The you in deep water, bad trouble, worst kid in the book award.
My mother in law, Ni, is a sweet woman. She's the kind of woman that writes you a note, speaks kind words, shhhs you if you are gossiping too much, says that your messy house looks so nice and pretty. She is a praying woman, and her kids know that she is praying daily for all of us. I think you get the picture.
She is also the woman, like all of us :)! that likes to have her special day. So on 9-11, while taking a shower, I was thinking about other important dates. And it dawned on me that 9-4, was definitely before 9-11, and "ooo CRAP, PAUL WE FORGOT YOUR MOTHERS BIRTHDAY!"
...Immediately start trying to plan a way to fix this.

Solution...have a surprise party at a Mexican restaurant where they will sing you a silly song, while wearing a big silly hat, and put whip cream in your face! Perfect way to celebrate a loved ones day all while respecting your elders.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Confessions and Goals

It is so easy to settle in and enjoy your ruts. But frankly, I'm a little tired of some of my ruts. Fall lends itself to easy bring it on.
First of all, confession #1. I have a food addiction. I LOVE food and LOVE to eat. I am definitely an emotional eater and have the gut to show for it. I use to avoid food when I was emotional...where did those days go?! Now I run to it. Which leads to goal #1. STOP or at least try to back off of the emotional eating. Maybe instead of a candy bar or cookie, how about a pickle. It may work. :)
Confession #2. I have fallen into mommy slum wear, yoga pants, same knit dress, or running shorts and tank. I have even started leaving the house dressed like this, with no makeup, and hear in a ponytail. Time to shape up. Goal#2 Put on real clothes and at least a cute shaped pony tail. I'm tired of my husband calling me a byantidian
Goal #3. Planing meals and shopping only one day a week. I know lots of folks attempt this, and I really feel this has led to spending way too much at the grocery store. So far doing well with this one....this week.
Confession #3 or 4, whatever, I hide alot of messes from you folks that stop by my house. Why do you think my bedroom door is always shut! Its scary in there! So goal #4 clean up the hidden messes...and if unsuccessful with cleaning hidden messes, accept that it is ok to have hidden messes, and let go!
Goal #5 Send more time with friends. Its so easy to get over whelmed with day to day life with three kids and a house full of hidden messes that 3 months go by and you haven't invited good friends over for dinner..ok refer back to goal #1 dealing with emotional eating. We use to have people over once a week, now it is just a handful of times a year. I miss you guys.
By the way, this 2 followers is just plain embarrassing. I know friends and family are reading this pointless thing of rambles, because you email me and comment on it. I tried to remove the number, but couldn't figure out how.
Goal #6 and final one for now...POTTY TRAIN LILLY!
Guess this will keep me busy for a while, hopefully not so much that I forget to invite friends over for ....a chat, game night, movie date, ok...cookout.
Hope your having a good week.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lots of love

Lilly got my camera again.

Mallory Lynn Butler
She's happy to be at a 10!

Amelia found a way to stay cool.

One week ago today, my little cousin called to say her water had broke! And the excitement began. Yes she is a grown woman, married to a sweet man, but it still feels like she's a kid. (Sorry Christen). Probably because she was the baby growing up. She did great, and Mallory Lynn was born at 2:08 Friday morning. She weighed 4lbs 13oz and is SOOO CUTE!
We also booked out vacation to Jamaica. That's where we went for our honeymoon 8 years ago, and I didn't think we would go back anytime soon. But Paul surprised me :)
Amelia is all aver the place! She escapes and you will find her in a linen cabinet, the only ones that are not baby locked.
Jules is loving school. She had her first "school friends" over. It was pure giggle fest, and so much fun. I'm really looking forward to these days.
Lilly is carrying on full blown conversations. I love hearing she and Jules discussing their day, and their pretend trips. Having girls is going to be a blast. (Let me post mark this to read in about 9 years!)

* Funny sayings*
Jules and Lilly were playing family...ones the mom or dad, and there are always sisters or puppy's. Jules " I want to be the boss, I'm the mommy this time."
Lilly..."Me an Amy, I wear a razorback."
Gary..." I didn't trow up, (after Christens epidural) because it grossed me out, I think it was my sinus drainage last week. "