Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Lillys pic of the day: her "blanklet"

I've been trying to get around to a Thanksgiving post all week. Time has just been sneaking past. Today we had a sweet little friend of Jules' over. Preschool is out, and her parents work, so she got to spend all day. We had so much fun making "play dough" cookies and icing the best sugar cookies that I have ever made. I finally learned how to make that pretty shiny icing. Tricks are, before chilling, roll your dough between parchment paper, this made it so much easier than fighting the stiff dough ball. And I left it thicker than in the past, just under 1/2 inch. Then took it out, did the cut outs, and placed it back in the fridge for about another hour. This kept the cookies from spreading so much during baking. As for the icing...I used a royal meringue base. The girls had a blast, and so did I. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! The kick off to the holidays! Begin with the parade, then the dog show. Always has been, always will be. The girls have gotten a kick in the past at looking at all the funnier looking dogs.
Thankfuls: Each year seems to get better and better. I am married to a wonderful man that loves me more than I can fathom. I am so blessed with three beautiful, healthy little girls, that I love so much. They provide many laughing moments. I am thankful for my freedom to worship and our "little church" group. Blessed with family that is close by, loving, and willing to sacrifice. Thankful for being blessed.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oldies but goodies

Paul purchased out first video camera just before Lilly was born, 3 years ago. We had problems with the computer, so we haven't uploaded any of the videos...until now. After 5hr last night, we now have 1/2 of our videos uploaded to our computer. Its been a lot of fun looking at all the old pics and videos. Here are a few for you. Ps, after doing the pics, blogger said there was a problem with the videos, so maybe I can do them later.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Recap and toes

Since the last post, we've been busy. Just after hitting Publish Post, on Smores, I went into the kitchen to discover two good pans had been used to cook on the grill. If you have ever done this you are aware of the layer of black sutt that covers the bottom. Said pans were then placed in the freshly scrubbed sink, which upon discovering led to me having a major top blowing. I think I hurt Pauls feelings, because he has been helping me so much around the house the last few days. Everyone has had and recovered from the stomach bug, two members of the house hold (not to be named) have been severely "backed up" resulting in a few doctors visits and xrays, and I injured my toe. When I say injured, that means a rouge pumpkin made its way into my path in the middle of the living room. When I didn't see it, I rammed my foot into it, wedging a chunk of pumpkin under my big toe nail, ripping it from the nail bed. ummm, great lunch time conversation. I realized later that night that I couldn't move it, so guessed it was broken. Best part is, after using the tweezers to pull out the pumpkin, with the girls watching wide eyed, I walked to the living room and said very calmly that "all pumpkins had to leave the house." Lilly and Jules responded my quickly rolling them out the front door, and Lilly ended it by shaking her finger and yelling at the pumpkin "no, no pumpkin. Bad pumpkin, you no hurt my momma!" I laughed so hard that I actually forgot about the pain for a minute. They melted my heart again the next day. I had been on my feet for a while, and taken the bandage off to let it breath. Inheriting the graceful Dean gene, I kicked the baby gate, and began crying like a baby. Amelia cried with me, Lilly looked like she would barf, and Jules started looking for the booboo cream. So sweet and caring.
We've begun decorating for Christmas, yay!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


We made smores tonight! Paul cooked a great meal of grilled fish and veggies, and then built us a fire in the back yard to make smores. I say "us" meaning the girls, because my husband doesn't eat smores (i know, insane) so he helped with the fussy baby, that didn't want to be inside, or out. And he was so willing to give her a bath, during the Arkansas game, while we continued roasting marshmallows...smell my sarcasm :) Thankful for my family! Thankful that everyone in our house in well. Thankful that my girls were worn out and now sleeping soundly in bed, and thankful that it is now mommy/daddy time. Goodnight, hope you had a great weekend.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Holloween weekend and more.

Halloween weekend started off at GS Fest, which was a blast. Then we trick or treated our neighbor hood, via four wheeler hay ride on Saturday. We had a Frightful Finger foods party before heading out, that included: Regurgitated cheese dip, vampire repellent, and Dracula Spit just to name a few. I've gotten very lazy with picture taking, so I have none to show from the party.
My poor little Skunk did not like her costume.
And this picture says it all!
I didn't have a good picture of Jules, I mean Tinkerbell. She decided early on that it was going to be cold, so she wanted to put her costume on over what she was already playing in, which was camo pants and an orange shirt. Then she insisted I was not putting her hair in a bun, and that she looked fine just how she was. Guess I should be glad she has such confidence at such a young age.
Lilly, the cheerleader, with yellow sweats that she didn't want to take off, with Sheriff Cassidy.
And "boogie" came to terrify all the children, and was very successful.
We ended the weekend with the stomach bug. Positive, loose some water weight and not want to eat candy. JJ
Jules was the one barfing last night. Then when she couldn't go back to sleep at 2am, she wanted to have a full on conversation. Out of no where she ask "why are you mean to your mom?" Me, being a little shocked by that question, asked her what she meant.
She held her had up in the air in the "talk to the hand" fashion, and said "well, you always say, 'I will do it, I will do it!' when she tries to do something." Trying to hide a laugh, I said, "well, Grandma tries to do everything when she is at out house, and I don't want her to." Guess I really do need to start paying better attention.
What are your favorite Halloween memories?