Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A story of warning

Well, I have a story of warning for you today.
You have probably seen my post recently about selling Willow House. Well this past week I had my first parties. Exciting, but also a little nerve racking, standing in front of your friends and having everyone stare at you. So of course you want to look your best.
On the nights that I have parties, Paul has to be home by 5:45, in order for me to get out the door and set up at the next home. Those of you that know Paul....well, I'll stop there.
Monday night, I wanted to be sure to have dinner prepared for the fam, so all Paul would have to do is grill the meat. Well, he was late, the kids were hungry, so I decided to light the grill.
In order to not smell like grilled meat at my party, I decided to take my dress off. We do have a privacy fence after all, so no one would be able to see me back there. I was feeling so good about preparing a good meal for my family, and also knowing I was getting to leave to go to a great party, with friends. Lo and behold, someone showed up at my door. Not a bug deal you may say...I was standing at a glass door, that faces 2 windows, and who was at the door....2 guys that work for my husband!! AND we made eye contact! At which point they went and lingered at their truck for a while.
Point of the story, A privacy fence does not good if your standing in front of a glass door.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's a parade

I Love Saint Patrick's Day! It could be that Kelly Green is my favorite color. But I really think it's the fact that I had an excuses to pinch people when I was younger. (I'm now passing that on to my children, SORRY GSFBPS)
We go to the St. Patty's parade down town each year. It is always a lot of fun. Lilly really gets into catching candy and beads.
This year, Jules wasn't "feeling it"
She just sat there, on the curb, looking board. She wouldn't even take the candy that the folks were trying to hand her. I should have know! She had 103 fever! Another UTI.

Amelia on the other hand had a GREAT time. Once she realized that it was candy that people were throwing, she got REallY excited! I think she ate 5 dumdums. My arm and leg were drizzled in sticky druel.

Now we are headed to the library for Irish Day!
Hope you all have a great St Patty's Day, Don't forget your green!

Monday, March 7, 2011

We have beaches in Arkansas!

We took the girls camping this past weekend.  It may not have been very relaxing, but it was fun. Things are beginning to get a little easier as the girls get older.  The last time we attempted to camp was July 4th 2 years ago.  I was 8 1/2 months pregnant!  Very bad idea. 

It was was pretty cold, but Lilly had to go to “the sand box”  Since we missed our trip to the beach this past year, we pretended that's where we were.  They loved it just the same.  Dad let us borrow his flat bottom boat to fish.  The girls were so excited to get to put on life jackets and play in the boat.  Everything was great, all the way down the boat ramp, then it hit.  A very loud screeching scream came from Lillys mouth.  She was terrified!  Paul was embarrassed, since this is major fishing time, and the area was full of fishermen.  I personally thought it was hysterical.  No one was bothered, they all looked, but then saw a dad with two beautiful blond little girls, and they were all laughing and feeling his pain.

Amelia decided she would work on her yoga stance. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My new buisness

I've been having a hard time finding time to blog lately. As the girls get older, they demand more and more time. Yes, they play, and do stuff, but it seems like as soon as I try to sit and do anything, they start fighting or pulling at my legs, and asking one milllllllliooooon questions. As I sit here at this very moment, they are yelling at each other, Amelia has grabbed Lilly's hair and Lilly has hit her for it, Jules had grabbed my cell and is asking how to turn on Angry Birds, and it's only been like 1.5 minuets.
I haven't been able to work much lately either. So, after going to a neighbors Willow House party (use to be Southern Living at Home) and seeing all the new stuff I wanted, and being totally depressed because I'm sick of being broke and not being able to shop, I decided to sell the stuff. So, this past week I signed up, received the starter kit, started working on a presentation, and already booked 9 parties! I'm so excited. Not only do I get to get out of the house and hang with a bunch of girls, but I get to make a little money too!! And earn free products! Yay.
Please come check out my web site!