These pictures are not in the right order, but we'll deal.
I discovered that I really enjoy running on the sky walks, and since Atlanta has lots of them, there were many opportunities. Unfortunately, people slow you down.
We chose Jamaica again this time, because the flights are so much shorter than going anywhere else. Although, the south shore is not a great beach, Nagrile was 10x prettier, it was still a blast. We flew into Montigo Bay, then took the much anticipated hour and 1/2 van ride to the resort. Much anticipated because it is through the mountains, and anyone that's been there knows how the roads (and drivers) are. Fortunately, we didn't start to get sick until we arrived, and we had a pretty conservative driver. We did however get stuck in the van with some very chatty, overly excited folks from Ohio. But that led to lots of questions, which made an informative tour.

The airconditoner in our original room leaked all over the floor, and in the closet (where my suitcase was). So we got an upgrade to a really nice suite.

We were so busy to busy having fun, that we didn't take a lot of picture. It was great to let loose and just relax. The island atmosphere does not take long to adapt to. We enjoyed it taking 45min to get dinner. By the way, take your own sunscreen, it cost $20 for a bottle of Australia Gold!
I've never had so many people comment on my accent, is it really that country? Have you ever read The Bernstein Bears book Stranger ? Well, just call me sister bear, because I spoke to every person that walked past, sat down by, swam past, and served. (Guess I've really been lacking in adult conversation around home) Just picture it, everyone is happy, enjoying themselves..Red stripe and rum flow freely..need I say more. People love to talk. So I started talking to the couple in the pool chairs next to us, and was going to offer him some sunscreen, he was so red I thought, "well, maybe he can't afford the $20 sunscreen, and he looks as though he could be in pain". He had on sunglasses, so when he didn't respond I just assumed he was asleep, and went my way. Latter that afternoon, Paul had gone somewhere, I was drying off at the chair, and the couple had woken up. So being the kind southerner that I am ;) I started taking to the guy (his chair was next to mine). After a minute, he looked at me and says, "me no understand" in a thick German accent. After I told Paul about this, it led to him saying to most things, "me no understand, me from Little Rock." Which is when I would laugh so hard I would cry.