I've been trying to make new dishes, especially things to use left overs from the fridge. I've spent early mornings searching food and cooking blogs and websites. Since we cook an entire ham, I'm having to get creative to get every one to eat it. I was so excited to find this cheesy pasta and ham casserole from Joy In My Kitchen blog. It looked so good. We didn't have any penne so I used whole grain spaghetti. It also called for white whole wheat flour, and I only had regular whole wheat flour, so it was very "wheaty." I was so glad to wake up early Sunday morning and begin preparing this great after church lunch. And those of you that have small children, and a husband, to get ready for church...you know the hassles of Sunday morning. So I made this meal with love, and the dreaded left over ham. Rushed to prepare eggs at the same time. (I always fell productive and full of skills while cooking more that one meal at the same time.) Hurried to begin ironing clothes (too tired last night to do it), woke Paul up to feed Amelia, rewashed my hair...because it was way too bed headish to repair with a flat iron, get dressed, do makeup while in the car on the way to church. Ahhh, ok, we made it I think with everything. Only to walk in and they are already singing, what! Didn't even know we were late!
We arrive home, I'm so happy to have lunch prepared instead of the usual microwave something or other. Set it down in front of the girls, and Lilly responds
" ewww gross, POOP!"
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