Remember how I told you about my goal of not worrying about the house being perfect, well...I'm beginning to wonder if I've gone too far the other way. Things are out of hand. On the other hand, I'm loving all the organizational tips that are being talked about during this oh, so great, time of inspiration. This week...the closets.
And the upstairs, it needs a whole week to itself! This is a big house, with no storage! Must make some.
On another note, Paul and I switched "roles" yesterday. I woke up way too tired, with way too whiny of kids, and stated that " I was not going to be mommy today, Daddy is mommy and I am daddy." Which meant the following: Any time the kids started screaming, fighting, yelling..times "mommy"would intervene, Paul went to the rescue. "Mommy" planed/fixed all meals (he's better at this anyway) and "mommy" took care of any discipline that was needed. "Daddy, (me)" was in charge of playing, being the "good guy", and making snacks. It was a GREAT day. I think this needs to become a regular thing. But just maybe not on Sundays, we never made it to church! ;)
HAHAHA! I love the role-reversal idea! I may have to use that one. :)