My mother in law, Ni, is a sweet woman. She's the kind of woman that writes you a note, speaks kind words, shhhs you if you are gossiping too much, says that your messy house looks so nice and pretty. She is a praying woman, and her kids know that she is praying daily for all of us. I think you get the picture.
She is also the woman, like all of us :)! that likes to have her special day. So on 9-11, while taking a shower, I was thinking about other important dates. And it dawned on me that 9-4, was definitely before 9-11, and "ooo CRAP, PAUL WE FORGOT YOUR MOTHERS BIRTHDAY!"
...Immediately start trying to plan a way to fix this.

Solution...have a surprise party at a Mexican restaurant where they will sing you a silly song, while wearing a big silly hat, and put whip cream in your face! Perfect way to celebrate a loved ones day all while respecting your elders.
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