Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Confessions and Goals

It is so easy to settle in and enjoy your ruts. But frankly, I'm a little tired of some of my ruts. Fall lends itself to easy change...so bring it on.
First of all, confession #1. I have a food addiction. I LOVE food and LOVE to eat. I am definitely an emotional eater and have the gut to show for it. I use to avoid food when I was emotional...where did those days go?! Now I run to it. Which leads to goal #1. STOP or at least try to back off of the emotional eating. Maybe instead of a candy bar or cookie, how about a pickle. It may work. :)
Confession #2. I have fallen into mommy slum wear, yoga pants, same knit dress, or running shorts and tank. I have even started leaving the house dressed like this, with no makeup, and hear in a ponytail. Time to shape up. Goal#2 Put on real clothes and at least a cute shaped pony tail. I'm tired of my husband calling me a byantidian
Goal #3. Planing meals and shopping only one day a week. I know lots of folks attempt this, and I really feel this has led to spending way too much at the grocery store. So far doing well with this one....this week.
Confession #3 or 4, whatever, I hide alot of messes from you folks that stop by my house. Why do you think my bedroom door is always shut! Its scary in there! So goal #4 clean up the hidden messes...and if unsuccessful with cleaning hidden messes, accept that it is ok to have hidden messes, and let go!
Goal #5 Send more time with friends. Its so easy to get over whelmed with day to day life with three kids and a house full of hidden messes that 3 months go by and you haven't invited good friends over for dinner..ok refer back to goal #1 dealing with emotional eating. We use to have people over once a week, now it is just a handful of times a year. I miss you guys.
By the way, this 2 followers is just plain embarrassing. I know friends and family are reading this pointless thing of rambles, because you email me and comment on it. I tried to remove the number, but couldn't figure out how.
Goal #6 and final one for now...POTTY TRAIN LILLY!
Guess this will keep me busy for a while, hopefully not so much that I forget to invite friends over for ....a chat, game night, movie date, ok...cookout.
Hope your having a good week.

1 comment:

  1. Good goals. You should get on the "smart ones" (frozen dinner) train with Casey and I. We eat a smart one for lunch with a yogurt and one for dinner. Casey has lost an unmentionable amount of weight - 16 - 17 pounds in 4 weeks and I have lost some. (Not near as much as him, but who's counting?) Love your blog!
