Tuesday, December 14, 2010

To my children in the future, Part 1

Wild girls loving on their pawpaw

Paul brought me home a new computer a couple of weeks ago, which I love, But I can't seem to get my act together getting pictures down loaded. And I hate posting without pictures, because it's boring to look at. It's the holidays though and I don't want to forget too much, and seeing as how I'm using this as an excuse to not keep up with the baby books (three separate books is a bit difficult to continually keep up) I better get busy.

The girls are loving the holidays! We are a bit "strapped" for money right now, so we are spending a lot of time at home auggggg, which means we have to find other ways to entertain ourselves. I've been baking way too much, which results in eating the goods :) resulting in the holiday 5+ now. Amelia, unfortunately, has not grown tired of the tree. Jules and Lilly are "loving" each other more and more each day. The phrase for today has been: "don't look at me like that!" I guess this is what happens to siblings that are so close. And they've cut hours at the hospital, which means less and less mommy time away.

I started on this post Mon, and it is now Wed. On Tues I went to my lady's Sunday school meeting/Christmas party, so hoarse I could barely talk, and almost in tears the whole way there. I was hoarse from yelling at the kids all day, and in tears because I felt like such a crappy mother. How do the days end up like this! Me screaming all day, to children that don't listen worth a crap! Part of it I know is because I hardly spank. It wasn't working, I was just getting angry and taking it out on them, so now you have to do something pretty much life threatening to get a spanking in this house, ie running out into a busy street. But I'm not so sure that a screaming mother is much less harm. (Speed this up KYM)
So, I get there late, Paul was working. It was a smaller group this time. And my phone rings. Its Paul asking where the baby wipes are...really?! I guess my face must have said a lot, because everyone was staring and not really saying much. Well, it led to a lot of moms sitting around talking about their kids, (and husbands) for about 2 hours. It was so great to find out I'M NOT A BAD MOTHER! and Everyone has similar stories.
SO, to my kids, when you read this in the future, and try to blame me for your misfortunes, it's a no go. EVERY mother has yelled at some point, most mothers have spanked out of anger (at least this isn't happening anymore) and I had a room full of women that validated the feelings. It's NORMAL! You are sweet, wonderful kids that will learn not to back talk :) You are sweet wonderful kids that are driving me crazy! But I love you anyway, and wouldn't trade you for the world.

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