These are probably not going to be in order. And there will probably be a Part II
Wow, I didn't even realize I haven't posted since before Thanksgiving! So this will probably be long, but seeing as how I'm not a great writer...maybe not. We have got to get better about taking pics. It's hard to watch everything and take pics at the same time :)
Well, Thanksgiving is always small with my family. At our house, we wake up and watch the Thanksgiving Day parade! Then head over to my parents house with my brother and his wife to eat till our hearts are content. (all while the dog show is on, which for some reason everyone decided to complain about this year!) We also celebrated Zayna's birthday the day after. The kids got to decorate cookies and eat pizza.
The Dean family Christmas is greatly looked forward to every year. We've always gotten together, had wonderful food thanks to Grandpa Dean, and DON"T forget the peanut butter balls. Aunt Gayla started this tradition, and her wonderful daughter Christen has continued it...THANK YOU!
We all had fun with Jules new scooter...Even Grandma. Lilly did however, love her helmet.