Halloween weekend started off at GS Fest, which was a blast. Then we trick or treated our neighbor hood, via four wheeler hay ride on Saturday. We had a Frightful Finger foods party before heading out, that included: Regurgitated cheese dip, vampire repellent, and Dracula Spit just to name a few. I've gotten very lazy with picture taking, so I have none to show from the party.

We ended the weekend with the stomach bug. Positive, loose some water weight and not want to eat candy. JJ
Jules was the one barfing last night. Then when she couldn't go back to sleep at 2am, she wanted to have a full on conversation. Out of no where she ask "why are you mean to your mom?" Me, being a little shocked by that question, asked her what she meant.
She held her had up in the air in the "talk to the hand" fashion, and said "well, you always say, 'I will do it, I will do it!' when she tries to do something." Trying to hide a laugh, I said, "well, Grandma tries to do everything when she is at out house, and I don't want her to." Guess I really do need to start paying better attention.
What are your favorite Halloween memories?
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