I've been trying to get around to a Thanksgiving post all week. Time has just been sneaking past. Today we had a sweet little friend of Jules' over. Preschool is out, and her parents work, so she got to spend all day. We had so much fun making "play dough" cookies and icing the best sugar cookies that I have ever made. I finally learned how to make that pretty shiny icing. Tricks are, before chilling, roll your dough between parchment paper, this made it so much easier than fighting the stiff dough ball. And I left it thicker than in the past, just under 1/2 inch. Then took it out, did the cut outs, and placed it back in the fridge for about another hour. This kept the cookies from spreading so much during baking. As for the icing...I used a royal meringue base. The girls had a blast, and so did I. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! The kick off to the holidays! Begin with the parade, then the dog show. Always has been, always will be. The girls have gotten a kick in the past at looking at all the funnier looking dogs.
Thankfuls: Each year seems to get better and better. I am married to a wonderful man that loves me more than I can fathom. I am so blessed with three beautiful, healthy little girls, that I love so much. They provide many laughing moments. I am thankful for my freedom to worship and our "little church" group. Blessed with family that is close by, loving, and willing to sacrifice. Thankful for being blessed.