Wednesday, August 25, 2010


All I've heard throughout life, is what a hyper child I was. O, " how you will reap what you sow", and how much trouble I was in during school because I couldn't stop talking. Stories of running around in circles, just because, and how it seemed like people were always shhhing me, and saying calm down. I remember vividly trying so hard to stay calm, but feeling like I was going to EXPLOAD if I didn't get the energy out. I felt like a fully charged battery all the time, (where is that energy now?).
So yesterday, when I was exhausted already at 9:30am, and Jules was the ever so fully charged battery, sparking to let loose, I took a deep breath and thought "what would I have wanted my mom to do?". At that moment she began screaming. She was not angry, just a happy I have the ability to scream type of ...scream. So, I sat there, back turned, eyes closed, and let her scream. Her sisters stoped what they were doing to look at her. Scream, deep breath...Scream, deep breath...Scream. By the third scream Lilly had gone back to her breakfast, Amelia still a little confused. But Jules, that's all she needed. Happy as a lark. I let her blow, and we had the best day in a long time. Note to self, try to always remember what it felt like to be that kid.

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