All I've heard throughout life, is what a hyper child I was. O, " how you will reap what you sow", and how much trouble I was in during school because I couldn't stop talking. Stories of running around in circles, just because, and how it seemed like people were always shhhing me, and saying calm down. I remember vividly trying so hard to stay calm, but feeling like I was going to EXPLOAD if I didn't get the energy out. I felt like a fully charged battery all the time, (where is that energy now?).
So yesterday, when I was exhausted already at 9:30am, and Jules was the ever so fully charged battery, sparking to let loose, I took a deep breath and thought "what would I have wanted my mom to do?". At that moment she began screaming. She was not angry, just a happy I have the ability to scream type of ...scream. So, I sat there, back turned, eyes closed, and let her scream. Her sisters stoped what they were doing to look at her. Scream, deep breath...Scream, deep breath...Scream. By the third scream Lilly had gone back to her breakfast, Amelia still a little confused. But Jules, that's all she needed. Happy as a lark. I let her blow, and we had the best day in a long time. Note to self, try to always remember what it felt like to be that kid.
This blog is a dedication to the memories of my family and our estrogen filled lives.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Lets eat cake!
Amelia turned ONE! We had her party at Ni and Papaws. Since there are literally toys in every corner of this house, we did a birthday party to benefit Heifer International. We had another party earlier in the day, so she had cake twice! She loved her cow cupcake.
I woke up the other day, to the girls giggling and saying "cheese"
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
New Things
This week has Jules started her first day of pre K. She has a great teacher and I think this is going to be a great year. She also started going to BIG church. She was all excited Saturday evening, dancing around singing "I'm going to big church, I'm going to big church." So when her Daddy asked her, " Jules what are you the most excited about going to big church?" In which she stops in her tracks and says, "I don't know, I don't even know what big church is."
Then, today..o today. We had an appraisal today, so the house was really clean which means I was happy. Jules was at school, Lilly and Amelia were playing so well together in Lilly's bedroom. Ahhh, quiet. I was putting away the breakfast dishes, when I heard Lilly yell. It was a strange muffled yell, then it hit. SCREAMMMMM! I dropped my towel and ran to Lilly's room, to find her with blood dripping down her chin. Amelia was standing there smiling. Lilly couldn't talk so we went to the bathroom and sat with a rag until she could catch her breath. I kept asking, "did you fall? " "no" "Well what happened?" Amelia's mouth!" As mentioned before, Amelia was happy as could be, so I was confused. " I kissed Amia (she calls her a mia) and she bite my lip (sob, sob, sob)" She was heart broken.
Then I had to go to Wal-Mart. I only had ONE diaper in the house. We picked Jules up and headed out. It always amazed me the amount of attention we get at Wal-Mart. Hello, we are not the Duggers...I only have 3, and I'm not a teen! Anyhow, I usually pull one cart with all three kids, and push another cart with the groceries. But I didn't have to get that much so I put Amelia in the Snuggie, strapped to me, Lilly in the cart and Jules walked. They were thirsty, so I thought they needed an Icee. All was...ok, until the chip isle. I heard, O no mommy. Well, Jules spilled 1/2 of hers on the floor. I had no wipes, the spill station had nothing, and of coarse there wasn't an employee in site. So I used the only thing I had, a diaper. Cleaned up the majority, and went on to tell someone. Major melt down on the dipper isle with Jules when I catch her doing something else. Lilly screaming about something. Finally make it to the meds. Then I feel something warm, and wet, on me. Look down, pee on the floor. Amelia's diaper had leaked all over me and a puddle on the floor. Yeah! Loving life. Am already covered in seat from the freaking heat and carrying around a huge baby strapped to me while trying to clean up icee with a diper, while the 5o'clock rush watches. This is the south, I thought people were suppose to be polite! I figure the other stuff can wait. Check out line. Look up to see Lilly pouring her icee on the floor, like liquid gold coming out of a cup. More sweat while cleaning up another icee mess. They will be teenagers and still drinking out of sippy cups after today.
On the plus side, Amelia has decided to begin potty training herself. Happy early birthday baby!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Joys of Summer
You've got to love summer!
Even if its just for the produce. All in all, we've had a pretty good time. No big vacations this year, but we've made an effort to spend as much time together as possible.
In between naps that is.
We went and had pictures of the girls done for Amelia's first birthday. That's wright, Amelia will be ONE next week! I get teary eyed every time I think about it. This year has gone by so fast. I'm excited about the future, and watching the girls grow. I also know that a time will come when she will not be content to just sit in my lap and be loved on. She is sooo sweet and loves to snuggle.

The 4th was fun. We had a few people over and shot fireworks. The girls stayed up way past their bed time, which means the evening ended in tears.
Amelia has become the master of escaping diaper changes. Its happens so fast. You get her down, diaper off, and bam! She flips, crawls away and grabs the clean diaper in the process.
Jules has become a great story time teller. She "reads" by the pictures and her sisters love it.
Thankfully Lilly is beginning to come out of the terrible twos. She is so great with Amelia. And can't live without Jules. She is a sweet little thing.

It has been so hot that when we do get outside its to go swimming. The girls want to be sure they don't sink, so note the life jackets and floating rings.
The world cup was fun. Very sad I have to wait so long for it again. We had a couple of fun get togethers with friends for the USA games.
You gotta love a James get together. There will ALWAYS be singing. This year Lilly decided she was going to join in.
Christen, Gary, and Baby Mallory have had a few visits to Baptist L&D. Thankfully Mallory will be warm and cozy in her mommy belly for a couple of more weeks.
The girls finally enjoyed the lake! Those of you that know, that has been a fear of mine and Paul's. We spend alot of time at the lake. Up until know, they have cried every time.
All I can say is we are blessed.
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