I know, right! I feel the same way!
You were born 8lbs 9oz, 21inches long
We spoiled you from day one, and proud of every moment of it.
You breathed in some fluid during delivery, so had to go to the NICU for a few days. We were so excited once we got to go home, that you were never put down. You slept with us until you were 6mo old. I couldn't stand to be away from you for even a moment.

We spoiled you from day one, and proud of every moment of it.
You breathed in some fluid during delivery, so had to go to the NICU for a few days. We were so excited once we got to go home, that you were never put down. You slept with us until you were 6mo old. I couldn't stand to be away from you for even a moment.

You decided to be Joseph for the preschool book parade. We were shocked, because I couldn't figure out why you wanted to be Joseph. You said, " because I want to be Jesus' daddy."
You are an awesome big sister. You really are a "little momma"
Notice Jules arm around Lilly. She was trying to make her feel safe.
You still love toilet paper. When you are sick, we just go to Sam's and buy you a case.
We love how the little things in life bring you such joy
This was kindergarten registration day. And today was preschool graduation day. You and I are both pretty sick, but we still went (sorry, we tried to make sure not to be near anyone). I stayed in the very back since I still have fever. After you said, Mommy, did you not see me crying up there. "No, Why were you crying?" you "I didn't know it was going to be like that." I think you meant that you didn't realize you would be on stage with everyone watching. You don't like to be stared at.
You would rather be in the kitchen helping to cook and "set up for a party" than getting dirty and "sweated"
You STILL ask to sleep with us, or for one of us to sleep with you. The answer is usually no, unless you are sick, then you will sleep with me in the big bed. I actually like it. It's comforting hearing you breath through the night. We love you so much sweet girl! Happy Birthday!