This blog is a dedication to the memories of my family and our estrogen filled lives.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Bed time
Last night we hit full speed crazy zone pretty fast. I had Amelia in a leg lock, trying to get her PJ's on when Jules stops (right in the middle of jumping on the bed) and says "mommy, I don't ever want to have any kids."
Me: "well why not Jules?"
Jules: Because they are way too much trouble....
I laughed and told her that I would "be way too bored if I didn't have them around"
For the record, Lilly chimed in and said she was going to have 5 kids, and Amelia started yelling Me kids, Me kids!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Pictures finaly
Monday, October 10, 2011
Going and Growing.
I got to take Lilly to dance for the first time last week. Wow, didn't know there were "Dance Moms" in such a small place. Holly MOly! I on the other hand, got all teary eyed like a big ball bag, because she was SO cute in her little leatard, and she loves it so much! It fills a mamas heart to see her babys loving something, and you can see the excitment in her eyes when she gets somthing corret.
Jules is still enjoying
Amelia is working on potty training
She is really putting words together... do it myseff...candy myseff... put it myseff. Getting the idea.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Messy house and fast food.
Since starting a new full time job a few weeks ago, life is going at warp speed. I now understand why there are so many home cleaning companies out there. My husband would probably appreciate one.
Now that I can get on line again, maybe the inspiration will renew to cook, because the fast food is adding to the growing waist line!
Jules still loves school. Her "boyfriend" had to give her a ride home this past week, while I was working. You seriously would have thought she went on her first date.
Amelia is talking our ears off. And pulling her sisters hair out. She's going through a bit of a bully phase.
Lilly is liking school. And doing great in dance. She focuses so hard on everything the teacher is saying, and really tried to keep up.
Jules hates dance. But will be completing this season, since she begged for a year to take it and refused to enter the room on the very first day. She says it's hard, which it is! I mean, where is the running around like a butterfly and twirling stuff. They do ballet style line drills!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Busy days!
Juliana and Lilly have done wonderfully at school. They were both a little nervous, but jumped right in and are having a lot of fun.
I was surprised at all of the mixed feelings. I really struggle with keeping the girls busy, active, and learning, and to keep them from fighting. But to turn them over to other people, that don't really like to keep you totally informed, is very stressful! I took Jules to school first. She was such a big girl! Went to her seat, took a few pics, forced by me, and gave me a kiss and I was off.
Lilly, RAN into her class, full of excitement. It was such a relief. She started right out singing all of the songs, following the line. Her big thing is she does not like sleeping on the cots. Other tan that she is loving it.
Jules came home on day 2 announcing that she had a boy friend and fell asleep during nap time holding his hand! Dear Lord, please help her daddy and me, to make it through the next 13 years! She is already boy crazy!
Hope to update more tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What did I do?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Life's a vacation when you have no job
Friday, July 1, 2011
Heat and patience
We took all three girls to the lake for the first time yesterday. It went so much better than we could have hoped. Jules and Amelia jumped right in, Lilly had a mild drama attack, but once she realized there were no sharks, alligators, or sea monsters..she was fine. She and Jules actually tubed! And through all the anticipated excitement, Jules still had time to maintain her looks. She didn't want to wear a hat because it would mess up her ponytail, and in the truck yells out "O no, I forgot to paint a toe!"
I felt so blessed, they loved the water, didn't complain once about the heat, and were still champs at the restaurant during dinner.
So I guess today is payback.
They have screamed, fought, yelled, and complained allllll dayyyy longggg!
Not to mention, Willow House broke out a HUGE sell this am, so I have been feverishly gathering orders all day, and trying to navigate a site that is on the verge of overload, complete a survey for a job, and a dishwasher that won't wash.
All said, the blender, ice chest, and ice cream maker are calling my name for this weekend.
What does your family do for the 4th?
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Summer daze
Next weekend is the 4th! Yay, cookouts and fireworks! Hoping for a great time with friends.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Crapy no picture taking mom!
Any how, Jules wanted a Little Mermaid party (ewww in my mind). So I set off googling mermaid party's and there were some really cute ideas...none of which I executed. We did how ever have teal and purple cupcakes, fun ocean colored balloons, gold fish, "sushi sandwiches", and starfish cookies. Most important
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Juliana is 5!
We spoiled you from day one, and proud of every moment of it.
You breathed in some fluid during delivery, so had to go to the NICU for a few days. We were so excited once we got to go home, that you were never put down. You slept with us until you were 6mo old. I couldn't stand to be away from you for even a moment.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
I may have to beat you with a belt
My statement is prepared for the next encounter.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Month Wrape Up
They were so sweet holding hands, walking all around the arena. All the little girls were dressed up, I don't think they knew what to think. After we parked, and were getting out of the car, a family pulled up beside us. There was a dad getting out with his wife and daughter. Lilly looks at him so seriously and says "hey, boys aren't suppose to come to princess things!" LOL Thankfully he just laughed and said he had tried to use that line.
This past week was Zoo Day at school. The kids always have a great time. Here are two of the MONKEYS playing around.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Need time to catch up!
We are going to the Disney Princess on Ice tonight! I feel like a little kid because I'm so excited. Can't wait to see the girls faces!
Tomorrow will probably be a long one, so come prepaired.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Begining a new week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A story of warning
You have probably seen my post recently about selling Willow House. Well this past week I had my first parties. Exciting, but also a little nerve racking, standing in front of your friends and having everyone stare at you. So of course you want to look your best.
On the nights that I have parties, Paul has to be home by 5:45, in order for me to get out the door and set up at the next home. Those of you that know Paul....well, I'll stop there.
Monday night, I wanted to be sure to have dinner prepared for the fam, so all Paul would have to do is grill the meat. Well, he was late, the kids were hungry, so I decided to light the grill.
In order to not smell like grilled meat at my party, I decided to take my dress off. We do have a privacy fence after all, so no one would be able to see me back there. I was feeling so good about preparing a good meal for my family, and also knowing I was getting to leave to go to a great party, with friends. Lo and behold, someone showed up at my door. Not a bug deal you may say...I was standing at a glass door, that faces 2 windows, and who was at the door....2 guys that work for my husband!! AND we made eye contact! At which point they went and lingered at their truck for a while.
Point of the story, A privacy fence does not good if your standing in front of a glass door.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
It's a parade
Monday, March 7, 2011
We have beaches in Arkansas!
We took the girls camping this past weekend. It may not have been very relaxing, but it was fun. Things are beginning to get a little easier as the girls get older. The last time we attempted to camp was July 4th 2 years ago. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant! Very bad idea.
It was was pretty cold, but Lilly had to go to “the sand box” Since we missed our trip to the beach this past year, we pretended that's where we were. They loved it just the same. Dad let us borrow his flat bottom boat to fish. The girls were so excited to get to put on life jackets and play in the boat. Everything was great, all the way down the boat ramp, then it hit. A very loud screeching scream came from Lillys mouth. She was terrified! Paul was embarrassed, since this is major fishing time, and the area was full of fishermen. I personally thought it was hysterical. No one was bothered, they all looked, but then saw a dad with two beautiful blond little girls, and they were all laughing and feeling his pain.
Amelia decided she would work on her yoga stance.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
My new buisness
I haven't been able to work much lately either. So, after going to a neighbors Willow House party (use to be Southern Living at Home) and seeing all the new stuff I wanted, and being totally depressed because I'm sick of being broke and not being able to shop, I decided to sell the stuff. So, this past week I signed up, received the starter kit, started working on a presentation, and already booked 9 parties! I'm so excited. Not only do I get to get out of the house and hang with a bunch of girls, but I get to make a little money too!! And earn free products! Yay.
Please come check out my web site!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Do they have a drug for this?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Kindergarden! 'Mom, you are crazy if you think I am going with this lady!'
I've really tried to be positive about this time in her life. I know she will have fun meeting new friends, learning new things.
We showed up about 20 min early, after hearing that the school we are zoned for fills up quickly.
There was already a line, so we took our place at the back. Soon I was handed a file folder with aprox 15 billion papers to fill out on my sweet.
In the meantime, I had discussed with Jules that some people would be asking her a few questions about numbers and ABC' on and so on. She always does best if she knows what to expect.
WELL.... A very sweet lady comes over to her and ask Jules to come with her. Jules is looking at me like 'you are crazy mom if you think I am going with her.'
So after the nice lady (principle) tried several tactics including validating her fears, explaining what they would be doing...Jules looks at her straight in the face and says "NO, I will not go with you."
Have to say, proud of my strong/ stand your ground girl, but we did then have to have another conversation about how school is different, and you need to do what teachers ask you to do. Especially when it comes to work stuff.
(and especially the Principal)
After some prompting from the woman that taught her to stand her ground, she went with them.
Now for the soap box:
WTH with three full sheets designated solely to ADHD questions. Why do these folks insist on labeling these children so early in life. This crap will follow them for the rest of their school career. And not everyone is lucky enough to get loving caring teachers, that are willing to give them their own chance.
I know alot of this is steaming from my own torture, other wise known as SCHOOL. And she is my first, and oldest, and I am so protective of her.
Baby, I love you and your wild and crazy spirit. I will always be here for you, no matter what. I hope you LOVE school!