Its not unusually for Paul to come home and the girls to attack him. Jules tries to rip his shirt tail off, Lilly starts at the feet and literally climbs her way up his side until she is at head level. This is why the book Daddy Mountain fits these girls so well. Usually it progresses to the bedrooms where there will be lots of screaming and running up and down the hall from either the "bear" or the "shark". Today it was the shark. And it always ends with someone, usually Jules, crying because she got hurt. Well, tonight I somehow ended up in the battle. We were on the bed a.k.a safe spot. I may have mentioned to Jules to go get the bat....and well this is what it ended up to be.
This blog is a dedication to the memories of my family and our estrogen filled lives.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My new favorite color is blue!

Amelia is crawling. I mean, she started this past Tues, but now she is really crawling. Its so cute to see her bootie in the air just a moving. It's a little sad, I know I don't want any more kids, but this is my baby and she's crawling. My back has definitely been waiting for this cutie pie full of 20 lbs to get her move on. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for where its heading. I also was not prepared to baby proof after two toddlers. I mean man, they must me stealing and stashing some of this stuff, tiny toy cars, play rings, barbie's everywhere. Never the less, Amelia is proud of herself, as is her mommy. By the way, my new favorite color is blue.
Friday, June 4, 2010
"Give me all your money, Its for God."

My Parents love to take the girls camping with them for a night or two when they stay close by. My dad happily reverts back to childish activities such as digging, building bug houses, ant pools ect. Well today's play included the girls wanting to play "ushers", like at church. They wanted to "Collect the money". The girls have learned that dad always has money (how do we know that?) so Jules pushes the bucket in front of his face and says "Give me all your money, it's for God" seriously and in a you had better do it voice. I'm liking this 4 year old confidence.
Introducing the wild bunch

We are your average family of five....Paul, Kym, Jules, Lilly, and Amelia. Paul and I meet while I was on a blind date, with his cousin. Ended up going home with Paul instead. It was love at first sight! He balances me, he is calm and level headed. I on the other hand am spastic. Honestly, I said I never wanted to have kids, thank the Lord He had another plan. He has given me three angels. Jules is 4, "and 4year olds know everything."...her own words. Lilly...beautiful Lilly is going through the terrible twos, and they are terrible. She's really into biting. And then there is our newest big surprise, Amelia 9mo. She has just started crawling and is into everything. Children are a gift from the Lord, isn't that what they say.
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